Awards & Honors


STEM Challenge

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, April 2021, $5,000

I was awarded a 5,000 dollar scholarship by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for placing first in their Mental Health Awareness Challenge. The ORISE Mental Health Awareness Challenge prompted undergraduate students to investigate the relationship between self-help habits and mental well-being. My entry examined the effects of social media use on undergraduate students’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve attached a pdf of my submission, as well as a link to the github repository.

Morrill Scholarship

Ohio State Office of Diversity & Inclusion, September 2018, $128,000

The Morrill Prominence scholarship is a competitive scholarship awarded to academically talented students who engage in meaningful contributions to diversity and inclusion. Equivalent to full out-of-state tuition for four years, the Morrill scholarship provides students with unique opportunities to participate in diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as professional development workshops, seminars, and field experiences. The Morrill Prominence scholarship is approximately valued at 128,000 dollars.


Mortar Board

Feburary 2021

The Mortar Board Senior Honor Society is a nationally recognized honor society for students entering their senior year of undergraduate. Mortar Board awards students who demonstrate critical characteristics of scholarship, leadership, and service.

Nu Rho Psi

December 2020

Nu Rho Psi is a nationally recognized honor society in the areas of neuroscience and brain research. Membership in Nu Rho Psi is awarded to students who display academic and professional excellence in neuroscience. Nu Rho Psi members regularly engage in community outreach and increase public awareness of neuroscience and its related fields.